Collaboration Tools

·       GoogleDocs

·       Etherpad

·       BB Collaborate

·       Voice Call

·       Vidyo/Skype/BlueJeans

·       Social Media

·       Canvas Spaces

·       Student Response Systems


·       Different formats of submissions

·       Graphical representations

·       Use of different tools (mobile phone video, audio recordings, slide deck – powerpoint/prezi, pdf, visio, publisher, wireframe)

Options for Communication

Zimbra SFU email, SFU maillist, Canvas mail, discussion boards, announcements, Instant Messaging, Social Media

Options for Recruiting Interest

·       Provide choice and personal interest

·       Authenticity, relevance and value

·       Providing real life examples that are relevant and authentic. For example HBR case studies, current events/politics, drawing from student’s experience


Options for Perceptions

·       Alternatives for auditory

·       Alternatives for visual

·       Alternatives to display information

·       Guide learners through processing, different medium of presenting information


Options for Physical Action

·       Optimize teaching space for access

·       Allow various methods for response and navigation using various tools, communications methods